Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cover Letters

When looking at the provided website I would have to agree with all of the points made about making and using a cover letter. Every link from the site is very helpful. Two things really stood out at me, which were the "The Best Use of a Cover Letter" and "Cover Letter Checklist" links. The "Best Use of a Cover Letter" link gave a run down of what to include in certain paragraphs in a cover letter, and what type of layout and order you should use. The checklist was great to look over, and I feel would be extremely helpful when you are writing and looking over your cover letter. One final thing that stood out was how to effectively use the postscript technique, which I had not previously been aware of for a cover letter.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Client Visit and Project

I feel that the client visit helped our group a lot in formulating some ideas for the project with Redfern. Prior to the visit we really had no idea what the task at hand was going to be. We will be working to promote the Healthy Campus Initiative. The way in which we do this is very open, and there is no clear direction that the group is required to take. Some ideas we have formulated so far to create awareness include Redfern sponsored events and perhaps a brochure. We are also looking at similar projects around the nation and seeing how they promote their initiatives. The biggest concern is getting started, and actually deciding as a group what direction we should take the project. The group is coming along well, and we all seem to work well together in the begginning stages of the project.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Biggest Mistakes in a Job Interview

I do agree that these are probably the ten biggest mistakes people tend to make in an interview situation. The two that stand out to me the most are making sure that you follow up and also not asking stupid questions. By asking dumb questions that could be answered through simple research you show the interviewer that you are not very well prepared. I think one mistake I would add is to make sure that you show up for a job interview. Personally, I have never had to interview for a job, but I feel that I would be well prepared and perform well in an interview environment. In order to be prepared for a job interview a person should first research the company and the desired position to be filled. I would also say the person should formulate questions that the interviewer may ask and think about the answers to them.