Sunday, April 19, 2009

Technology and Group Collaboration

When working on the client project for the Redfern Health Center, technology has been a tremendous help. Being able to store documents online for the whole group to see allows for more efficient meetings and work can be done individually out of class. Using e-mail was also essential to being able to communicate well to one another outside of class and to assign jobs to group members. It is difficult to imagine how a project such as this one would have been done before the internet came about. Communication and collaboration is made much easier and efficient through computers and the internet.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ethical Principles

This past week in class we went over ethical principles in the workplace. The example that really stood out in my mind and really blew me away was the Ford Pinto incident. It is amazing to me how the company can crunch the numbers and decide to not do anything about the problem in the car to save money. Personally, there is no dollar value that you can put on the loss of innocent human lives. I learned from this that in the workplace it is important to stick to your own ethical principles.
My own set of ethical principles involves definitely telling the truth, no matter how it may affect the company, I feel like it will be better in the long run. You should always disclose information that may save someones life. Sometimes your job may be put on the line if you go outside the company and release information, but I feel as though its better for the public to know about possible major problems.